Skyrocketing energy bills daunt millions of homeowners these days. No matter how much they skimp on the time they spend running electronics and home appliances, the number never seems to reduce. Instead, it goes beyond the budgeted limit, thus pushing homeowners to switch to cheaper, more energy-efficient options. If you are interested in energy-efficient home devices, perhaps you should read on to know about a few of them:

Smart Thermostat

The biggest energy drain in every home is its heating and cooling systems. But a smart thermostat can perhaps block this energy outflow and push down your utility bills drastically. These devices are so smart that they can store your preferences and process your and your family’s comfort settings for creating a comfortable indoor space. These devices are supported by a mobile app, which allows you to control settings from anywhere, anytime. You are sure to save whopping sums of money every month after installing a smart thermostat.

Smart Outlets and Plugs

Standard outlets can consume a lot of energy owing to their manual control settings. But smart outlets are a gust of fresh air among the standard ones because they come with a wide range of features. You can operate these outlets using a smart application, which allows you to schedule the on/off times and also increase the efficiency of humidifiers, fans, lamps, water heaters, coffee makers and many more. You should also consider smart plugs, which plug into your existing outlets without requiring a major rewiring project.

Sensor Switches

Sensor switches are becoming a part of smart home designs owing to their energy efficiency. These switches are equipped with advanced sensors that know you and your family are leaving or entering the room. They do so from several feet away, without you having to turn on or off the lights manually. Some sensor switches also have natural light-detecting capabilities, which save an incredible amount of energy and money. It’s truly a great installation if you still fumble for the light switch after entering a dark room.

Surge Protectors

Some home appliances and gadgets suck out outrageous amounts of energy. But you can tackle this problem by installing smart surge protectors. It’s very simple to use: connect your device and create a charging station for your mobile device for protecting your expensive appliances against power surges. You can control everything through an app or an automatic scheduler, both of which can hack down your energy consumption and expenses substantially.

Smart Blinds

High summer temperatures mean high usage of air conditioners. But air conditioners are not only expensive but also harm the environment. But, smart blinds come as a blessing in such a situation. These blinds can open and close themselves automatically after reaching a predetermined temperature. These are simply a great alternative to expensive HVAC systems that suck out energy and money.

Energy-Efficient Home Devices

Energy-efficiency is something no homeowner can achieve within a day. It takes time. But they have to install energy-efficient, smart devices at home that create a win-win for both homeowners and the environment.